The intro
HIV stands for Human Immune-defficiency Virus. When you get HIV, it is possible to NOT get sick from it. The syndrome HIV causes is AIDS (aquired immune defficiency syndrome), but even with AIDS, you may not get sick. If you have AIDS and catch anything from Pneumonia to the cold, you get sick (duh). Your body backs out. Your T-cells, your B cells, all the immune cells are too weak. The virus or bacteria kill and take over your body. What happens next? You die.
How to catch it - so don't do the things below!
Don't have un-protected sex. I know it sounds squirmy and embarrasing, but it's true. If you know someone is HIV positive, and they are your boy-friend, husband, etc, use a condom. You don't just use it so you don't get lumbered with children, you use it to make yourself safe, because there are lots of illnesses you get when having sex.
Don't use unsterrilized needlles and razors, amongst other things, like toothbrushes - anything that can produce HIV positive blood. Also, in the old days, people would get AIDS from blood donors who didn't have their blood tested. It was a very sad time.
Some mothers with the HIV, will give their child AIDS by pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.
The good news
You can touch the positive HIV people - It doesn't crawl through the skin.
You can drink and eat from the same plates, cutlery and glasses.
You can kiss 'em.
The ending
If anyone in your hosue has AIDS or carries HIV, don't use things they have bled all over. If you are that persons wife/husband and wants children, use invetro inferilization (I think thats how you spell it) and you may be safe. (but look up on Wikipedia or something else to make sure that I'm not wrong - that would be terrible!)
If you follow my instructions, you will be safer.