"Can I come in?" Laina called.
"Ok!" Mum said.
The three of them lay in the queen-sized bed, breathing deeply, giggling as someone nudged them in the stomach.
"Do you know what day today is?" asked Mum to Sofia.
"It's Easter Friday. If you want I'll tell you the story."
So Laina and Sofia clasped their mother and were whirlled back a thousand years, maybe more.
Once upon a time, a man named Jesus lived. He was good, kind and helpful. His mother Mary and father Joseph were good and kind too.
But people in his village despised him. 'Get rid of him!' they spat, and found Jesus. They scentenced him to death.
On friday, Jesus was stripped of his clothing, and was was ordered to carry a heavy wooden cross. People laughed as he dropped the cross, twice. The third time he did, a man was told to carry it for Jesus.
Two robbers were at the sight. They were nailed to heavy crosses identical to Jesuses. They looked at the man in front of them, limping towards his death place. One moaned 'I am sorry for what I have done. Please have mercy!' People laughed, but Jesus looked him in the eye and said 'you have done a good thing. Remorse is recovery. You shall be spared.'
But not spared from death. The other robber moaned, and Jesuses cross was lain on the ground. He lay ontop of it, and cringed in pain as his hands were nailed to the cross, then his feet. The cross was lifted to standing postion. An evil man produced a crown of thorns and rested it on Jesuses head, and then pushed it hard. Blood trickled from his fore-head.
Mary and her friends ran up to Jesuses cross, crying.
Joseph followed. Jesus gave his parents a little smile and closed his eyes.
After a few minutes a man walked up to Jesuses side. He touched the still-warm cheek. 'He is dead!' the man called to the crowd. 'Are you sure?' someone shouted. The man pulled a knife from his pocket and sliced the side of our heros body.
Cheers rose from the crowd. Tears fell down Marys cheeks as she watched her son die.
After the crowds dissapeared, Mary, Joseph and other followers took poor Jesus down from the cross. They lifted him into white sheets and wrapped him up. They laid him in a cave, and struggled with a heavy stone. At last, when the stone was over the burial chamber, they left the cave in tears.
Three days passed. Joseph and Mary, who missed their sone terribly, decided, on the third day, they would check up on their son. When they gathered the people who had witnessed his body being hid ftrom evil, they marched on down to the spot. The rolled the stone off the entrance and gasped.
Mary began to cry. A beautiful angel came down from the clouds and said 'Your son is ok. Jesus is up in heaven with his father.'
When she dissapeared, a white-robed man with dark hair and beard and twinlking eyes emerged, smiling and opening his arms wide, letting love escape.
"OK!" Mum said briskly, "Bedtime!"
"Wow!" said Laina, "Cool story!"
"Yah, cool sorty," said Sofia, getting muddled.
"Lie down and fall asleep," Mum said, "Beddiebyes."
As Laina fell asleep, she dreamed of Jesus. Being a Christian, she felt no distain to the story - for it was not a story, it was the truth.
And Sofia - well, for a five-year-old, they care about chocolate!
very interesting.
have you got any idea about why he was treating like that and by whom?
what was he doing that would have upset the authorities so much that they would want to kill him? who were the authorities that ordered his arrest? How old do you think he was? What was his lifestyle? do you know who Pontius Pilate is? when do you think Christians started to exist as a known group? Who wrote the Bible? When? WHy? Over how long? WHere did the stories come from? Why do so many different religions exist?
Religion is fascinating!
sorry - i meant "treated" in the 3rd line.
and thanks for sharing your christian perspective at Easter. :-)
do jews or muslims celebrate the same events in any way? jesus was jewish and is acknowledged by muslims as being a prophet.
i think it's really sad what they did to him. i'm not religious though. i hope you don't find this rude but are you religious?
Yes, I am a prespatarian (I think thats how you spell it). Samoans are Preswhatever and so I am too. Its a sort of anglican.
I think Jesus was in his mid-thirties when he died, and whoever wrote the bible was a man who had biblical properties! Each story was written by a man who could talk to god. Every time something would happen, he would make a detailed account of it. The person who wrote the bible himself was probably god. And I'd say it came out in the early fourteen, maybe thriteen A.D so about after the bible finished. Of course, my father, who is not christian at all, says someone who was very good at story telling (He said a person like me) wrote the first testament. That is my favourite part of the bible, acctually.
Jesus was a good man, but people were getting sick of Jesus this, Jesus that, and so hordes of jealous people went to KILL him. That is why envy is a sin. Do not pity sinners.
He was put upon the cross, because that was a way of punishment, I suppose. I mean, two robbers died too, but one went to heaven, so I suppose hes ok. That made the cross a sign of Christianity, though.
The lifestyle, hmmmmmnnnn, I say he would live in a normal house, lead an everyday life for back then. He would just have followers around, like good paparatzi. He would do good deeds, and visit the poor. So, maybe not a normal lifestyle.
Very very good a nd descriptive story! I love the first bit!!!
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