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Sunday, 27 April 2008

Smell your partner!!!

I watched a BBC documentary about 'smelling your partner'. Apparently, an english science test was taken, about your body detecting something in odours. There is a special thing - I can't remember exactly, but lets say gene. there are six special genes, and the less one person has compared to you, the better their smell will be, because if you have many of the same gene as your partner, for instance this:

Joolywog is the first gene
Wicklast is the second gene
Rockabase is the third
bombin is 4th
Jacketit is 5th
Wronglong is 6th

You have Jo, Wi and Wr. Another person of the opposite sex has J, Wi and Wr too. They smell disgusting. However, another Opposite genderist has Ja, R and B and Wr.. They smell very pleasant.

Your body makes you do this because if you concive with the J, Wi and Wr, the child may have something wrong.

This was tested by three women, whos gene was tested first, to see how many of the genes they had. They wore a tshirt, got it smelly, and then a man smelt it. He put it in smell-nice order. Best to worst, and the first was completekly clear, the last the opposite!
Extremely hard to explain and understand.


rosiegal said...

Very cool, but I dont get it! I have no idea what it all means, even though I have actually read it!

mudpies02 said...

Confusing. Very interesting though. I think I get it...

MrWoody said...

i think you mean, pheromones :-)

Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

Uh... yeah. Do remember everything that is on BBC? I have the human body DVD set, maybe for fun we can watch it - I have the puberty sequence, you could use that Mr Woody!!!