Hiyaho, welcome to my... interesting blog.

Wednesday, 20 February 2008

The cutest kittens eva

Gosh: Isn't she ADORABLE???

This thing brings TEARS to my eyes!

This is soooooooo lovely

I think it is better to have a lucky black kitten for your days happiness:

Or maybe a tortie:

How about a rag doll?

Maybe a fluffy one?

Do you feel happier? I sure do!

Once upon a time

A swift moving statment
A thing in the trees
A wind through the willows
A darkness moving please

It aches at my heart
It aches at my love
It aches at my striving
It aches all above

Pulling me up
Into the arms
Of life and adventure
A happiness charm

Tuesday, 19 February 2008

HIV and AIDS - the full(ish) story

The intro

HIV stands for Human Immune-defficiency Virus. When you get HIV, it is possible to NOT get sick from it. The syndrome HIV causes is AIDS (aquired immune defficiency syndrome), but even with AIDS, you may not get sick. If you have AIDS and catch anything from Pneumonia to the cold, you get sick (duh). Your body backs out. Your T-cells, your B cells, all the immune cells are too weak. The virus or bacteria kill and take over your body. What happens next? You die.

How to catch it - so don't do the things below!

Don't have un-protected sex. I know it sounds squirmy and embarrasing, but it's true. If you know someone is HIV positive, and they are your boy-friend, husband, etc, use a condom. You don't just use it so you don't get lumbered with children, you use it to make yourself safe, because there are lots of illnesses you get when having sex.
Don't use unsterrilized needlles and razors, amongst other things, like toothbrushes - anything that can produce HIV positive blood. Also, in the old days, people would get AIDS from blood donors who didn't have their blood tested. It was a very sad time.
Some mothers with the HIV, will give their child AIDS by pregnancy, childbirth, or breastfeeding.

The good news

You can touch the positive HIV people - It doesn't crawl through the skin.
You can drink and eat from the same plates, cutlery and glasses.
You can kiss 'em.

The ending

If anyone in your hosue has AIDS or carries HIV, don't use things they have bled all over. If you are that persons wife/husband and wants children, use invetro inferilization (I think thats how you spell it) and you may be safe. (but look up on Wikipedia or something else to make sure that I'm not wrong - that would be terrible!)
If you follow my instructions, you will be safer.

Child abuse

Child abuse. It sucks. We all know I would really really hurt if you were a victim. And I want to ask a very good question - why do people do it? It's not cool to watch a kid writhe and scream on the floor, is it?
People don't give it much thought. But I do. It doesn't give me nightmares or anything stupid, but I really think about it.
How can we stop these stupid, mean and nasty people from thrashing about in our happy lives, torturing children who are probably younger than them.
Some say love hurts. People have been violated by FAMILY. That's horrible. Imagine you mum hitting you with a hockey stick or hanging you from you toes on the washing line. That's love? No.
As I said.
Think about it.

A story on Mia Glassie's misfortune. Please, not for the squeamish (if it is that bad).

Monday, 18 February 2008

What about.......?

I am serious people of the world. How does a beautiful, wild girl like me use a computer in class?
ADVICE TO YOU ALL - Use a laptotp for big stories that you do in class. People in America ad so on us that a lot (I think), and it helps with spelling. A note to Mr Woody, his grammar is terrible!!!

Crazy family

Yay yippie ya doo da.
I have a blog.
Now, I will give you a brief account of the present moment.
We have taken off the main bits on our old couch, so it' s all weird at the moment, and the children are being a pain and jumping deftly on it. One likes on face-plant himself from the old couch onto the new, and the other is making funny ARGH noises.
This is a poem:

Clear skies
Of passionate blue
Lilac blue
It seeps through the cracks
Of my broken heart
It helps to mend
Me and myself
It sweeps
It swallows me
Blackens my nose
Bluens my dull eyes
Sweetens my exspression
Because through longing
And forgiveness
I see myself free
From all the world and everything
Everything there was to be!
(Daft, I know)