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Friday, 11 April 2008

A bit of rubbish to tell your future:

Once upon a time, in a far away land, three little children shouted and sang: this will tell your future, this will tell your future, come up and see it, this will tell your future! Put it back-to front, then the first vowel you hear, that goes at the front too, and then read it without fear! Get a piece of paper, write it all down, there are sudden mysteries just waiting to be found!
A: You will live happily for about 3 years before being marginally depressed.
B: Sometimes you will feel a strong urge to go skiing.
C: Your favourite food will change rapidly as you get older - you may never decide!
D: Some people will have grudges on you about the way you treat your peers.
E: Lots of animals will suddenly be magnetically loving towards you - but only if you are nice all-around!
F: Fish will not nibble crackers that you have touched, unless they have been touched by other hands.
J: Arnotts SHAPES will be your favourite snack for a while - guess what the flavour may be!
H: You think the local schools hats are hideous - but protect you well!
I: You will get faster at typing
J: Love is on the way - either that, or it already has!
K: You may want to change your breakfast cereal for a wide mind
L: Not everything will appear as bad as it seems
M:You will be good at playing on the computer
N: You will want a new electronic device
O: Your life will depebnd on something smaller than you
P: When you sleep, you will snore
Q: Your dreams will be hard to reach
R: You will become better at public speaking
S: You will smile in your sleep tonight
T: You will like a new food you have never tasted
U: The book you will next read will have a small impact on you
V: What ever your parents have said about your beauty/handsomness is right in its own way
W: You will hear a ringing in your ears for three solid days
X: Sleeping will become a burden for a few nights
Y: You might find yourself in a position where things go wrong for a bit
Z: keep going!


Kitty Milo said...

E:Lots of animals will suddenly be magnetically loving towards you - but only if you are nice all-around!

M:you will get better on the computer???

I:you will get faster at typing

L: not everything will appear as bad as it seems

Y: you might find yourself in a position where things go wrong for a bit

YiP! thAtS Mi NaMe! It MiGHt NoT bE ExaCtLy rIgHt ThOuGh!!!!!!!!
O.S- PLEASE VISIT MY BLOG KITTYMILO , you can visit the others if you want but please visit :

Marshall said...

.--. :When you sleep, you will snore
. :Lots of animals will suddenly be magnetically loving towards you - but only if you are nice all-around!
.. :You will get faster at typing
- :You will like a new food you have never tasted
--- :Your life will depend on something smaller than you
-. :You will want a new electronic device
--. :Arnotts SHAPES will be your favourite snack for a while - guess what the flavour may be

Nei-Nei Neina-Marie said...

N: Not everything is as bad as it seems
E: Lots of animals will suddenly be magnetically loving towards you - but only if you are nice all-around!
I: You will get faster at typing
N: You will want a new electronic device
A: You will live happily for about three years before becoming marginally depressed.

Well, not erally me. I dunno.