Hiyaho, welcome to my... interesting blog.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Did you know...

Did you know that Guinea Pigs originated from South Africa?
The ancient people of Inca ate potatoes - a LOT! Whenever one crop of potatoes went bad, they would simply eat other one!
The Ourish (Irish) ate potatoes too, but only one type. When blight swept the country, all the crops died and people were left STARVING HUNGRY!
I have those silly Ourish genes. Thank goodness I have NICE genes!
Love to y'all,
neina-marie, a buzzin' bee


Kitty Milo said...

i didn't know that. i had a guinea pig called sampson, but sadly, he ran away]= he escaped under our old cage. he really was a frightened little thing]=
cats are cool
Kitty Milo

mudpies02 said...

Yeah, we were talking about that in that reading lesson :D Cool!