Hiyaho, welcome to my... interesting blog.

Thursday, 12 June 2008

Un fair!

I will tell you about my bad experience today, and the good ones I have had, too.
Well, today I was biking home from school, and this rock was in my way. I am right-handed, so I swerved to the right. The woman in the car behind me beeped, and then we she came past me, she hollered out of the car window "Don't be so ******* silly!"
For some reason, I burst into tears. It was totally unfair, and that woman will be languishing in her GRAVE, I am so ANGRY! ARGH! Can anyone comment on how that has affected their lives?

However, in the same situation, coming home from school on my bike, I went up onto the foot-path to take a short-cut, and the bike fell over! I landed badly on my hip, craping it, jangled my arm, hit my head and shocked me into a daze. However, I was not dazed enough to stay sitting on the road. I heaved my bike onto the foot-path and sat on a fence. And cried.
A man, however, watched the one-man commotion and came up to me, clutching a bag of chips and a full bottle of coke.
He asked me "Are you alright?"
"Yep," I gasped through the tears, "Just sho-sho-shock!"
He sat with me while I moped my tears up, and offered me a drink or some food (which I declined - I am still a careful girl with strangers!), and then I went on my way, wincing.
I am very thankful to that stranger. He helped me in a time of desperate need.

Another time, I had had a fight with my father and was sullenly biking to school. Doing my little crossing bananza, a man with his young daughter in a bunny blue gym-frock with a white blouse came p behind me. His pretty daughter pressed the button many times, squealing. The man himself had long, straggly hair and was wearing jeans splattered with paint, and a very dirty jumper. However, he smiled and said "Chilly today, isn't it?"
I answered, "Indeed!"
Then, the lights signaled for me to cross, and we bid goodbye, friends by to sentences. I came to school to be greeted by a rather sullen Dream-Huntress, who cheered up after pinching my cheeks with her hands, wriggling them and chanting "Chubby Cheeks!" My cheeks hurt just thining about it!
That man, the one at the crossing, lifted my spirits in a heart-beat.
I thank everyone but that rude woman in a sleek car who has helped me.
Love to y'all,
neina-marie, a buzzin' bee


Kitty Milo said...

hahaha thats funny. lol. did you cry? i would have been like "shut up" to the lady in the car. lol. what was her rego(registration plate)?
and what did she look like?
you have a lot of memories from biking to school .lol. how long ago was that>
ok , bye=]
Kitty Milo

mudpies02 said...

Biking to school obviously isn't very lucky for you is it?
You are a very good writer :o)